Friday, September 12, 2008

On second thought

After posting these images... I believe I do have some more things I want to add to the journal before shipping it off to Nicci. Just wanted to show my progress thus far. I am really enjoying sticking things/memories of the day... into the journal pages x2 (hers and mine).


lauren georgia said...

I just clicked this link from Nicci's live journal, and I think this is a great idea. I love it and I know your books are going to be AWESOME!

nicci said...

hey thanks for reading, and commenting =). we appreciate the feedback... especially when it's positive! =D

as for the awesomeness quotient, i think it'll be pretty rockin' too. these suckers are huuuge and packed full of marks and layers.

that might have been more intellectual if i weren't half asleep right now. then again, i might have just said, "Spanks."