Sunday, March 2, 2008

My journal arrived from Nicci!

My package arrived Friday! I was so excited to open it but decided that I would wait until after dinner to do it with a nice cup of coffee in hand. I was so lucky to do it while "semi" in the company of 'Nicci' online on Messenger. She was by me every page of the way.

Nici's cat 'Spike' attacked the giant plastic zip lock bag that I had placed her journal in for safe keeping during its travel to her. She reused the bag for my journal and it did not go unnoticed by my two cats, Xena and Sama. Xena was very curious but Sama wanted to jump right in and do a through investigation.

She sent me a nice surprise of aluminum tape to try and filled the box with loads of pages from an 'Oriental Trade' catalogue - which I will have fun browsing.

Here are some kitty pics of the opening!

I could not wait to touch the pages and take my time and read all the little stories and sayings she included in my journal. Beautiful work... and I am so excited to have it in my clutches.

That night I went right to my studio and gesso'ed 2 - 2 page spreads and then on the 3 rd 2 - page spread I did:

2 layers of gesso
2 layers of purple
3 layers of gesso
2 layers of sage green
2 layers of gesso
2 layers of orange

Next.... I will do a little sanding... but have not gotten that far yet! More photos to come.

Posted by: Maralena

1 comment:

nicci said...

hehe. that's so funny that your kitty does that. Spike did it immediately with your boxes, and so did my dog, Dickens. he nosed around the contents, and then ran off. Spike loves those big bags!

it should be funny to see what he does when it comes back in a month. hee hee.